A Bit About Me....
A Bit About Me....
A Bit About Me....
Below is just some of the feedback from clients of one-on-one consultations and participants of two and three-day workshops in Australia, Vancouver and Okanagan Valley of BC, Canada. It also includes comments from clients of out-of-province and international phone and Skype consultations.
Endorsement - Rev. Nicole Powell (Vancouver Isl., BC)
"Deanna LoTerzo is an an amazing therapist. Sharp in her intuition, a gifted healer and a skilled psychotherapist. All the qualities I look for in a transformational therapist. Deanna's work is simple, transparent and to the point. No time to spin in circles re hashing your old story, you will make progress so fast you won't believe it's happening. When you're ready to change your life and live fully, Deanna will feel like the answered prayer that's walked into your life."
What differentiates your work from the many others I have been to is the immediacy of the results. I can't believe these issues, most of which I've had for over 20 years, have been released. But I know they are, I am changed!
Everyday, I get up early, like I used to. I'm feeling more energized and accepting of who I am...no longer feeling defeated and useless. It's been ages since I felt this happy and creative. So, I've signed up for cooking classes and picked up quilting again, something I haven't wanted to do in years.
I loved it! This course is avant-garde, ahead of mainstream, and extremely effective. I am looking forward to more.
I would recommend it because it's life-changing, it felt like a miracle, and I want family and friends to heal.
Prior to meeting Deanna, I was on a deep, questioning, and at times, painful search. This eventually surfaced as a sports injury and anxiety. Since my sessions with Deanna, all done remotely through Skype, this personal search has shifted to sorting, clarity, and healing. I have a more open, accepting, and compassionate perspective on myself, life, and spiritual matters. I also feel less complicated and emotionally lighter. Most of all, I have never felt so valuable and empowered. The sort of therapy Deanna offers could be defined/detailed using science and the spiritual, but all those sort of explanations are limited in its capacity to communicate what it is. It's best to simply experience these sessions and let the restoration happen.
After suffering from Bulimia for over 20 years I have been 100% healed within 5 sessions of working with Deanna. Thank you for giving me my birthright back. I am now living with peace and joy every day.
I am a well-seasoned practitioner and still found the course interesting and enlightening, the techniques so simple but empowering. Your passion for what you do shines through.
My few months of work with Deanna has completely transformed me. She has released detrimental childhood beliefs that I was unaware existed. I have never felt this happy, supported and connected and now know that I am going to remain healthy. I am extremely impressed with the immediate results of this process that I have recommended Deanna to fellow patients as well as to my family and friends. Health and genuine happiness that radiates from inside you, is within your reach! Take the first step with Deanna, her years of experience, effective techniques and natural healing instincts can transform you too!
Thank you for all your kindness, guidance, assistance and blessings for self and family – you have been an important part of our lives… thank you for adding brilliance and wonder to the tapestry of my life .. you have left footprints in our soul.
The tools (weekend Weight Loss program) are simple, safe and useful, & can be used in any aspect of my life. Anyone could benefit from these processes.
I have, and will continue to recommend this course - because it works!
It (weekend Weight Loss program) was not what I expected, BUT it was what I needed. It gave me clear, helpful direction and tools.
We feel extremely blessed to have you as a healer, teacher and guide in our lives. You opened me up so that I know that I am not alone and guided daily. Before your work I had no idea there was anything other than me and the people that surrounded me. What a gift to be reconnected to the divine! It is incredible how much more there is outside of your own head and being. You brought forth the ability in me to channel information, to read energy, and to help people. There is a lot of joy in this and I am grateful for the tools you have shared with me. This connection to the Divine has been critical in keeping me grounded during these turbulent times.
Your approach is upbeat, enthusiastic & humorous! Loved the final positive downloads.
Being taught how to examine beliefs more closely and identify underlying emotions was most beneficial to me this weekend.
What was most helpful this weekend was being able to clear my family and 'inherited' beliefs.
The training was a blessing....it has shifted my practice to another level. I would personally like to thank you for your tremendous balance as a teacher in having a no nonsense presentation style combined with a tremendously empathic and of course intuitive respect for each participant.
Deanna has taught me how to deal with life’s challenges. I am no longer on the emotional roller coaster that I was once. I now take each day at a time & focus on myself..…am now a calm confident and happy person. And, my family and friends are delighted at the “new” Katrina that has emerged.
I like that your presentation was clear, direct & confident - a no-nonsense approach. Made concepts easy to grasp.
Thank you. It is still a wonderment to me that something so easy can have such a powerful effect in changing our lives.
I have been given a great life-skill which enables me to self-govern. I will, and have recommended it.
Deanna's programs have changed my life in so many positive ways. I feel my TRUE life is just beginning, I am finally happy and free. These tools will help you reclaim your life, recover from hurt, betrayal abuse, and more.
I can hardly believe how much better I feel. My back is pain-free - no aches or heaviness which I had gotten so used to. I am feeling more light & happy than I can remember!! It feels so foreign to be this at ease and comfortable!! This is it - a real kernel, I really feel we have hit the root. Everything had been integrated intellectually but somehow somewhere deep the pain was still weighing me down. It was stuck in the back of my heart - the very center of my back pain!
I am very glad that I took the weekend course. I feel different in my skin. That is the only way that I can explain what I am experiencing.
I really enjoyed taking the course as it clearly demonstrated how our beliefs and emotions are affecting our lives everyday. I was amazed at how easily a belief you have carried for many years can be changed and replaced instantly with a positive belief, making you feel unburdened and lighter from the experience. You no longer have to be creating negative situations in your life and dealing with emotional turmoil inside your body. The healing happens and joy and happiness is restored on an inner level in your body. Thank you, Deanna, for all the coaching and teaching this year and for allowing an inner happiness to return to me. With much love.
Deanna taught me how to deal with stressful people and stressful situations and through our sessions I was able to regain not only my personal self-confidence but also my professional confidence ….…At all times I found Deanna’s counseling techniques to be extremely beneficial. She has a highly professional attitude and treats everyone with respect. Her highly professional approach coupled with her enthusiasm for her work, make her a first class Counselor.
I began working with Deanna due to my desire to be more positive, happier and have more clarity regarding my direction in life. After just a few sessions I could feel the difference. Having already tried to begin this process on my own, it was all the more noticeable how much of an improvement in my overall attitude and feelings towards my family and myself had taken place in such a short space of time. I found myself much more readily able to notice and eliminate negative thought patterns, many of which I had held for most of my life.
It (the process) is an effective, simple tool that can promote healing, especially on an emotional level. I would definitely recommend it.
I've learned a great tool to work through my issues and to help others with theirs.
My boyfriend also has experienced profound changes...his frustration and anger were pushing both of us apart. I can hardly believe it, but after only 2 sessions with you he is a different person – he says that he feels so much more relaxed and powerful and capable to take the work stresses in stride. …….he enjoys your matter of fact style…. Thank you Deanna for sharing your magic!
I am energised, way more productive and calm, some days even peaceful. Feeling much more in control of my emotions and not as sensitive to others opinions of me or why they question my choices. I'm more decisive than I can ever remember being and comfortable in my own skin.
I would recommend it because it helps free your mind and emotions. I learned a lot, but had fun, too!
There are no words to express the gratitude for all you have done to help, support, and guide my family! I am a different person today because of you. You not only helped me on my healing path (and continue to do so) but provided me with the tools to help others. All my life I have "talk counselled" others but now I have these incredible tools and gifts to help others on a completely different energy level.
Deanna's program would help the world, help us help each other, and contribute to the positive evolution of humanity. What I enjoyed most was being able to identify and separate beliefs from feelings, in a way that is more specific and meaningful.
After a few sessions with Deanna, I noticed significant inner changes as limiting beliefs and patterns were released. Painful and challenging relationships were resolved, creating space for more happiness, lightness, and improved self-esteem. I have been able to create better boundaries in my relationships and value myself more. Deanna’s grounded and non-judgmental approach created a sense of openness and safety in working with her, and allowed for deeper revelations and insights to surface.
I'm blown away by who I am now! I have started dating again and chatting with women online and at work in a way I have NEVER in my 41 years been able to do before. I have a new perception of how to deal with tough times, and am more conscious of my emotional and mental processes. Also, I'm more satisfied and comfortable with who I am, my life and my work. Thank you.
In all my years of struggling with mental health challenges, I had never met anyone who has made such a significant impact in my life in such a short amount of time. I have discovered the strength that was seemingly always inside me. I feel empowered to be my truest self! No words are enough to express my never ending gratitude.
The content of the workshop is action-oriented for deep results, and it's straight forward. A simple step-by-step process, laid out beautifully. I feel energetically lighter, and called to go forward with this work.
I really enjoyed taking the course as it clearly demonstrated how our beliefs and emotions are affecting our lives everyday. I was amazed at how easily a belief you have carried for many years can be changed and replaced instantly with a positive belief, making you feel unburdened and lighter from the experience. You no longer have to be creating negative situations in your life and dealing with emotional turmoil inside your body. The healing happens and joy and happiness is restored on an inner level in your body. Thank you, Deanna, for all the coaching and teaching this year and for allowing an inner happiness to return to me.
The work I am doing with you IS changing my life. There is no doubt about it. We will also all be spending Thanksgiving together at the in-laws again. This would have been an incredible ordeal before. I am so pleased with the progress that I have made in the relatively short time that we’ve worked together.
Thank you. I don't feel like an empty shell any more. Now, I am a whole person.
The practical component helped me understand the process, and how it is applicable immediately. It is so simple, yet so effective. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to do self-work.
All in all, I am feeling much more happy and open and positive and am enjoying life every day. It has been a very important process to me, and I cannot thank Deanna enough for her healing and her loving energy.
Thank you for the workshop this weekend. I really have noticed some positive shifts in my relationship toward money...I am actually looking forward to paying my bills for a change, and I think I have managed to become friendly towards that foreign word "budget".
​Over the past 12 years I have tried a wide variety of healing techniques.....in all those modalities I have not encountered another approach to healing that yields such positive results for my mind, body and spirit in such a short period of time, and with so little angst associated with the process. Thank you for the positive outcomes you have helped me to create to heal my family relationships, for my business venture which has tripled in revenue during the time that we have worked together, and for your help to heal a long-standing back injury. What you do is truly magical!
An excellent course, thank you! Best thing I learned were the mental / emotional clearing techniques.
A well-balanced program. Best thing I learned was to be more of a "being" person. I would absolutely recommend it. Anyone in a counselling role would benefit.
Love your fun and direct approach, Deanna!
Anyone who has emotional baggage would benefit from Deanna's courses. Things I liked best were practice sessions and Deanna's personal stories.
Yes, I did get a lot out of it. It works, it's simple, it's effective. People can help themselves and others.
She is no-nonsense and direct but she is also all heart.....truly dedicated to healing and sharing her knowledge with her students.
Loved it! The content is user-friendly, and backed by science.
I feel confident that I can now apply this knowledge to my counseling / healing practice. Thank you.
What I enjoyed most was Deanna's insight, expertise and objective perspective. She is amazing.
I would highly recommend it to everyone, but particularly anyone who wants to help others.
Thank you for the help you have given me over the course of our sessions. You have demonstrated an ability to see through the myriad of symptoms and outward manifestation of my perceived dis-ease to the core of my true self. In this process I have discovered that I am and always have been an integral and irreplaceable part of the divine plan. I am now more able to live with integrity and hope and to offer my gifts to the world with true generosity.
Integrity. Trustworthy. Knowledgeable. Responsible. Clear. These are words I would use to describe Deanna in her work and in her life. She is so clear about life and health and she has the ability to project this into her work and with the people she comes in contact with.
At my core, I felt hopeless and joyless about my life….and I wondered if that would ever change. I’m still not completely clear on how it works…but I can tell you that after only 3 months of working with you that my business has turned around completely – I’ve got more work than I can almost handle and the money is flowing in like never before. Financial stresses are a thing of the past – and I feel peaceful and simply happy, emotions that I haven’t enjoyed for a number of years.
In gratitude for her transformational healing, her strength, compassion, truthfulness & prodding us to move forward!
Thank you for your courage, and all you make possible...and for your kindness.