A Bit About Me....
A Bit About Me....
A Bit About Me....
Embracing Change
"Have the courage to listen to your heart & intuition. They somehow
already know what you truly want to become....." Steve Jobs
The only way to make sustainable change, to realize your goals
and dreams, and live a truly authentic life, is with a clear mind,
and an open heart. That means a heart free from emotional pain
and the burden of unhappy memories, together with a mind
that is independent, calm and objective.
From the HeartMath Institute Research Center we learn that
"a review of 225 studies concluded that positive emotions promote and
foster sociability and activity, altruism, strong bodies and immune
systems, effective conflict resolution skills, success and thriving."
Isn't that who you would like to be?
The Power of Conscious Intention
My goal is to help you discover the best version of yourself.
My approach is collaborative. I provide a non-judgmental,
nurturing space for you to heal. We will be working only with
your inherent creative and healing abilities. Their engagement
is dependent solely upon the presence of appropriate tools, an
open mind and conscious intention. Acceptance of 'new thought'
that every cell in our body is influenced by our perceptions,
emotions, choices and environment, is key to your creative endeavor.
Let me reassure you there is no hypnosis or regression therapy
involved. As a client, you remain in full control of the process
and its pace. We use the same simple sensory techniques that
supported my own return to optimal health, that have also helped
countless others now living as the best version of themselves.
That will be you, too!
Overcoming Fear & Resistance
​Resistance to change is typically fueled by one or all of three things.
Fear of change. What might happen if you venture away from your
tribe to think and act independently? Would you loose friends or
become less popular, rejected or distanced from those things you value and the people you love? Our focus in this mindset becomes anxiety about the worst thing that could possibly happen.
Lack of self-belief. Perhaps you don't really believe you have it within your power to make sustainable change. Nor do your believe you have any control over your circumstances, or the courage to initiate change, or the staying-power to see it through to whatever end. You have
lost your identity, and subsequently your voice, perhaps through abuse, through isolation, or as ‘people pleaser’, or just from sheer laziness. Be assured that whatever you believe has been lost, is merely hiding beneath the surface, waiting to be rediscovered.
Lack of information. Even if you believe yourself to be fearless (kudos to you), confident that you have what it takes to recreate your life, where do you start? You've tried traditional
counselling, repeated endless affirmations, read everything you can find about positive thinking, but keep slipping back into the rut, confused about what to try next.
Your Best Self. People motivated to rediscover their True Self, and to assume control of their reality, are creative and courageous, even if cautious at first. In the process of transition, they develop a greater sense of self-awareness, consistently make more discerning choices, are adaptable to change, have greater empathy towards others, and enjoy more lasting nurturing relationships. Also, they are generally held in higher regard.
Testimonial - Dr. Marc Boutet ND., Wellbeing Naturopathic Clinic, Salmon Arm, BC
"Deanna's program is an impressively effective therapy on the mind/body level. A safe way to disconnect the emotional component from past memories, release destructive thought patterns, and move forward as a freer more authentic you.
I would challenge anyone to try this therapy and not get meaningful results."
Terry S., Ph.D., Psychologist
In Private Practice, Texas.
Privacy requested.
"Even though I am a therapist experienced in traditional, psycho-spiritual, and somatic approaches, I was shocked at the power (without causing emotional overwhelm), depth, and efficiency of Deanna's process. Deanna is a world class healer.
Her method redefines my concept of how long healing takes (even compared to EMDR) and who can participate in it. One of my friends cleared major depression, another crippling anxiety, and myself core personality issues in 1 to 2 sessions plus there were many healing transpersonal add-ons. This is incredible beyond your best expectation."